Today we love: Qwillow from Ikea

Multifunctional everything please...and if you're a fan of transformers, you'll love this Faltmal cushion that turns into a ...sleeping garment or a full size quilt

Ikea's Faltmal Qwillow is made from recycled polyester

Made from recycled polyester, the Faltmal qwillow is a nice fat water resistant cushion that you can open up into a wearable sleeping bag. Perfect for when an evening in the garden turns chilly or you suddently want to sleep under the stars on the bench outside. Note, though qwillow has arms, it's not a fashion garment ..and yes, the chap below does look like he's wandered off a Game of Thrones set. Faltmal qwillow is a snip at £25. 

a sleeping bag with arms...Qwillow starts off as a cushion
Qwillow has a storage net, £25 at Ikea