Top 4 solutions to make your home more green 

Keen to start playing a more active part in protecting our planet? We have a few easy tips to get you immersed in eco living

install solar panels

Installing solar panels is a good way to really cut your electricity bills. For more detailed info on solar panels, see Robert Dekanski's guide here

For most of us, it's a mixture of self-interest and altruism that's driving us to make eco-friendly choices in how we live. Perhaps we want to upgrade our homes to reduce our monthly utility bills, or eat less red meat to be healthier... whatever the reason it's hard to conclude that carrying on as if climate change isn't happening is a good move. But you don't have to be an eco warrior to be eco friendly, just start with a few small steps, includin these four top solutions: 

1. Insulate to reduce heat loss

Heat loss is one of the biggest reasons why our energy bills are higher than they need be. The good news is there are various approaches to take to retain heat while reducing your monthly bills and one of the most effective is to insulate your roof. A high-quality loft insulation can save up to 20 per cent of your energy bills. You can also insulate your walls and floors, while double or triple glazing ensures your windows aren’t letting heat escape. 

2. Solar panels

Instead of relying on the National Grid for your electricity needs, why not generate your own energy source? In other words, install solar panels. And don't worry that the UK doesn't have brilliant sunshine every day because solar panels have come a long way and work well even on greyer days. They are an investment but they are worth it and you'll be doing the planet a favour because solar energy is a renewable source.  

And as well as side reducing your energy bills, solar panels will add value to your property. Estate agents confirm that many house hunters list solar panels as a must-have. 

3. Conserve water

Don't waste water, conserve it. Ditch the bath for a water-saving shower and get a shower timer so you don't stand under hot water for more than four minutes! Use the half-flush button on the loo, and remember not to ignore those key tips - only fill the kettle with enough water for the cups of tea/coffee required and turn the tap off when you're actually brushing your teeth. 

4. Underfloor heating

Underfloor heating is a great alternative to always using your radiators. As it operates at a temperature that’s only a few degrees higher than the room air temperature, it’s an energy-efficient way to stay warm on days when there's still a bit of a chill around. If you’re renovating floors, don’t miss the opportunity install underfloor heating.

Investment costs vs. future savings 

Turning your home green isn’t cheap. Installing a solar panel system, for example, can set you back nearly £5,000, according to Money Saving Expert. If you want to go beyond solar panels, you could end up spending up to five figures in total – not the type of money most people have sitting around in their bank account. 

While you can save up until you have the cash to invest, an alternative option is to apply for finance. Many sites out there can approve a loan online in minutes, which means you can get going on ‘going green’.

You may feel hesitant to apply for financial support. However, you should focus on the savings you can make in the long-term. Even though kit such as solar panels or triple glazing involve expensive initial outlay, you will end up saving hundreds or even thousand of pounds a year on energy bills. The quicker you go green, the quicker you can start to benefit.