Christmas - keep it eco, keep it simple!
With the cost of living crisis making life hard for so many of us, Christmas is a great opportunity to appreciate that less is more when it comes to it not?! So get out the brown paper and the biodegradable glitter, don't buy more food than Bruce Bogtrotter could eat, and remember to compost ALL your peelings
By Abby Trow
Traditionally, Christmas is the time of year when we celebrate indulgence and excess. Unfortunately, the festive season can also have a serious impact on the environment, with increased food waste, unrecycled gift wrap and paper waste, and increased electricity usage all taking their toll.
But, there are ways we can celebrate heartily and sustainably so here are some top tips on having a more eco-friendly Christmas this year.
Buy a potted real Christmas tree
The debate around real v artificial trees centres around chopping down trees for a 12 days of interior delight or buying a non-recyclable synthetic tree that can be used time and again. Real Christmas trees are, of course, stunning when dressed to the nines, but while they can be recycled as an energy source, many do end up in landfilll after the festive season is over and landfill waste produces huge quantities of methane, a greenhouse gas. If you love the look of a real spruce but don’t want to contribute to the landfill waste, consider opting for a pot-grown version instead. This way, you'll still have a beautiful tree with that fresh, festive smell, but it will continue to thrive during the coming year if you water it regularly and transfer it to a larger pot as it grows. And that way you can use it again next Christmas, though you may to be prune it a bit before bringing it in. Alternatively plant it out in the garden if you have space.
Council tree recycling
Most local councils run recycling centres for real Christmas trees after the festive period, and some provide a collection service, so check your local council's website for more details.
Use energy saving fairy lights and make your own Christmas decorations
With so much concern about plastic waste ending up in the oceans and damaging sealife, there's a real impetus to reduce our use of the stuff. We're getting more creative about tree decorations, since plastic baubles tend to be manufactured in China and shipped over to the UK, meaning they have a large carbon footprint. So why not get creative with slices of dried lemons and painted pine cones or hang individual chocolates from tree branches. Find a selection of ideas on Crafting a Green World for more deck the halls inspiration.
If you're not already a convert, another simple way to cut down on your environmental impact - and your utility bill - is to festoon your tree, mantelpiece, bannisters etc with LED lights, which offer a brilliant white light or more intense colours than the old incandescent fairy lights - which, incidentally, did used to put a strain on the National Grid over Christmas! A string of incandescent lights runs at 40 watts, while LED versions use just 5 watts, so LED fairy lights are much more eco-friendly than their former incandescent selves.
Say no to food waste
With UK households apparently throwing out the equivalent of two million tonnes of turkey last Christmas, this is by far the worst time of year for food wastage. We can do our bit to curb food waste by planning our Christmas shop carefully, so we buy only as much we need.
And Christmas Day leftovers make wonderful Boxing Day bubble and squeak, so don't throw anything away. As this extensive selection of Christmas leftover ideas from All Recipes just goes to show, with a little creativity, we can use almost all uneaten festive food to make stews, soups, curries and pies — all more interesting than turkey sandwiches.
A counter top compost bin is also essential for the eco cook. Line with a biodegradable corn starch bag, fill it with fruit and veg peelings and scraps from plates and our local councils will use the waste to make compost for its parks.
Recycle or re-use wrapping paper
You probably do this anyway..but nonethless Brits are expected to throw away or burn the equivalent of 83 km2 of wrapping paper this year, according to Envirowaste. All this waste is unnecessary and lots of wrapping paper can be easily recycled. So after the Christmas morning unwrapping frenzy has subsided, take the time to reduce waste by sorting out the recycling.
Remember not all gift wrap can be recycled - qrapping with shiny or holographic finishes is actually made from metallised plastic film, which isn't currently suitable for recycling. If in any doubt about whether a piece of gift wrap can be recycled, try the scrunch test: simply scrunch the paper into a ball in your hand and if it remains scrunched up, it can be recycled, but if it springs back into shape, then it's likely made from metallised plastic. But, there's no need to throw this sort of wrapping paper away. Instead, put it aside, as you can shred it and use it as protective stuffing for next year's gifts.