
  • iRobot's Roomba self driving vacuum cleaners are a delight

    iRobot's Roomba vacuum cleaners are quite a revelation. For a start they keep your home as neat as a pin without you having to lift a finger - and they're a great introduction to living with a working robot

  • Cork's long been associated with bottle stops and dull flooring. Not any more: it's the eco-friendly, design-friendly material designers can't get enough of for furniture, homewares and decorative accessories

  • Edward Bulmer Natural Paints contain no plastic

    Paints have a big impact on air quality, something that's becoming more of a concern to homeowners. So which manufacturers score highly on great colour, environmental friendliness and quality? 

  • Fill your place with pot plants

    Assuming you can meet the invariably exorbitant rent...lots of us dislike renting because we can can do very little to the accommodation..such as painting it new colours or changing the flooring. But there are things you can do to make a rented place feel more like your home, which don't cost the earth

  • Concept kitchen by German brand Naber is easy to assemble and disassemble without tools

    We Brits have some of the smallest homes in the EU, as builders and developers give us tiny rooms, invariably with no built-in storage. And as buying property remains unaffordable for many so we're going back to being a nation of renters. In which case don't deny yourself good furniture - just make sure it's easy to pack up and take with you when you move. 

  • Black panel internal doors from JB Kind

    Doors are easily overlooked and we tend meekly to accept what we inherit when we move into a property. But stylish interior doors can bring impact, cohesiveness and even a quiet grandeur to your home

  • Architectural designer Charlie Luxton

    Architectural designer Charlie Luxton is a zealot for low energy housing. He wants us to ditch the draughts and turn down the thermostat so we live in comfort, save money and save the planet

  • Snug as a bug in a rug? Or are you plagued by draughts and chills up your spine? You need Deco’s guide to a warmer, more eco-friendly home

  • PaperTale uses blockchain technology

    PaperTale has launched a range of T shirts to showcase its blockchain technology that can empower consumers to drive an environmentally sound and ethical future

  • Faux bougainvillea from oka.com.png

    If your home is looking lacklustre, and you don't have the budget for a major revamp, take heart. Interior designers have tips that are easy to follow, don't cost much and which definitely do make a difference, whether you live in a bedsit or a large house.


don't cover radiators with wet clothes

It might seem counter intuitive, but don't dry clothes on heated radiators and be sure to open windows even in winter if you want to avoid condensation and worse still, mould

use non plastic products in daily living

You're probably on the case, but if you've been too busy to get down to your eco living due diligence, here are some products to consider switching to help reduce the amount of single-use plastic you buy - and so cut your carbon footprint. And get 'em in the post if you loathe going shopping

Indigo Ochre wool flatweave gelim by Ptolemy Mann

For many of us, it's the rug that maketh the room... a beautiful rug adds colour, texture and softness underfoot. We've compiled a variety of designs across the price ranges that will put a spring in our step as we tread through 2024

Pet Lamps are made in Spain, Colombia and now Chile by artisan communities

Pet Lamp started in Spain to encourage designers to put ubiquitous waste plastic bottles to creative use. Now it's on the way to becoming a global sustainable lighting project.

Quick step laminate is a good choice of eco floor

Having eco-friendly home interiors is something decomag readers strive for. One of the best places to start is your floors and we have plenty of ideas that are sustainable and give your home the wow factor

Heat pumps can bring household energy costs down toless than £2 a day, according to new research

iRobot's Roomba self driving vacuum cleaners are a delight

iRobot's Roomba vacuum cleaners are quite a revelation. For a start they keep your home as neat as a pin without you having to lift a finger - and they're a great introduction to living with a working robot

Exposed wood beams

Exposed wood beams don't need much in the way of day to day maintenance but periodically it makes sense to have them renovated to ensure they'll be doing a grand job in 200 years' time


Shaker kitchen, Mereway Kitchens Ltd

Whether you invest your life savings in a luxury one, or you do it on a shoestring, you can make sure your kitchen doesn't leave a giant-sized carbon footprint in its wake
