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Top five ways to make your home stand out – and sell super fast

When you sell your home, it follows that you would want it to stand out from the competition - after all, standing out from the crowd is essential in attracting potential buyers and securing a quick sale! In today's competitive real estate market, it's important to make your property memorable and appealing. But how can you do it? Here are the top five ways you can make your home stand out and increase its chances of being sold swiftly. 

1. Enhance its curb appeal

What are the main types of blinds and where to use them?

Blinds are a classic way to shade your windows, they are simple to use, easy to install and most importantly, they look amazingly stylish. Unlike curtains where you have one variation of the shading, choose from multiple different types of blinds ranging from rolling fabric blinds to metal slat blinds. And to help you navigate the world of blinds we’ve teamed up with DotcomBlinds to explain the various types available.

Roller Blinds

Can sustainable eco houses become mainstream?

Everyone needs to live in a sustainable house, where sustainable means it's powered by renewable energy and made from sustainable materials. What would be even better is if everyone's home also had space to grow fruit and veg to people keep food bills down. 

Traditional homes are one of the main contributors of CO2 emissions in the world. Sustainable housing can be a solution cutting those emissions, so we need to lobby the housebuilders to start incorporating eco tech into their designs.

Eco-friendly ways to get rid of stuff after decluttering

Too much stuff but can't let it go


Clutter can lead to chaos, which in turn creates stress. Many people say they're overwhelmed by the extent of clutter in their homes but are at a loss as to what to do with it. There are, though, many creative ways to make sure your pre-loved items go to a good home, so the first step is to take the positive decision to de-clutter and to do it in an ordered way - just saying you're going to throw everything out won't help because you'll have a moutain to move!  


English Country House style

The cosy interior of a traditional English country house is hard to resist. This style has it all: eccentricities, historical features and ancestral beauty. If you're more maxi as opposed to minimalist in your tastes, country house interiors will suit you because you can continue adding to your interiors and they'll become ever more characterful. From floral motifs to antique furnishings, it's an easy style to master.


Great ideas for cherishing grandparents

Grandparents and grandchildren have a very special relationship. And because grandparents are so special, it's important to encourage children to show their appreciation.

Painted craft piece

How to eco dispose of builders' waste

Reuse and repurpose

Reuse any builders' waste that you can. Many people fail to realize a lot of building materials that get thrown out can still be useful. This is why it's important to go through as many of the materials that you can to see if there is anything that can be used in one way or another. As long as materials are in good shape (for example bricks or pieces of wood) tthere's an excellent chance they can be used again.

Offer reusable materials to others

Noise pollution - it's everywhere, so how can you combat it?

What Is noise pollution?

Noise pollution (or sound pollution/environmental noise) stands for the propagation of harmful amounts of noise that have a negative impact on humans and animals alike. In simpler terms it means excessive noise - and that's something millions of Brits have to put up with.
