
Five perfect reasons to visit St Ives

5 Perfect Reasons to Visit St Ives

If you’re looking to visit somewhere new this year, then you just can’t go wrong with St Ives. It’s got something for everyone, with beaches, culture, fantastic activities, and some of the best weather in the UK.

There’s so much to see and do in this little town, and in Cornwall in general, but here are five perfect reasons to visit St Ives.

The Views

Green travel: nature thrives in our absence

In many countries, lockdowns have resulted in many busy cities and regions suddenly becoming almost deserted. But it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good and where humans have retreated, the natural environment has sprung vigorously to life. Green Pearls® say staff at hotels they work with have been watching their natural worlds closely and share their observations. 

Thailand is for animals
