
Avoid condensation and mould in your home

ventilate your home to avoid condensation and black mould. It's healthier to have airflow indoors so even in winter, be sure to open windows a little

Blinds UK talks window treatments is Britain's leading online Roman blinds and blinds and curtain company. Choose from eco friendly sustainable fabrics such as linen, wool, hemp and recyclable synthetics such as polyester. And the company's products are all manufactured in the UK, using UK/EU made fabrics. Blinds UK

Stuff - how to display it, not drown in it

Occasionally we're forced to confront the sheer amount of stuff we have - in my case it's having solar panels installed which requires the installers to be able to get to fuse boxes, the loft space and run up and down stairs. Initially they couldn't, so I've piled things into corners they can. And I have found myself thinking what is all this stuff? and I vow to take it to the recycling centre. Soon.

Terrariums: Hello Tiny World

Buying a ready-made terrarium is all very well ...but you're not really invested in it are you. And it'll cost you way over what it would cost to make your own. And it may well not come with the right instructions so its lifespan won't be what it should...which should be Methuselah-esque.

Wide plank wooden flooring

Wood from sustainable sources, ideally FSC or PEFC certified, is a good flooring material for eco-friendly homeowners.  Wide planks can be sourced at Element7, Siberian Floors, The Natural Wood Floor Company and Ecora.

Upgrade your home in an eco-friendly way

It's inevitable a time will come when you find your tastes have changed and you start finding your home dated. You get to feel your place needs a design rethink so it's more functional, more modern; and, of course, given skyrocketing energy prices, more energy efficient. You could move  or tear down your house and build a new one..but you'll find it's far less expensive to upgrade or renovate.

Ideas to make rented flats more personal

Usually there are limitations on how much you can modify a rented place without jeopardising your deposit at the end of your tenancy. Unless you've obtained permission from your landlord, any alterations you undertake must be temporary and not result in any damage to the property. 

However, Nick Woodward of property company Essential Living has some easy and affordable ways to make a rented flat/house feel like home - without risking your deposit. 

House plants

Tick tock: a clock to rock the wall

Always looking for your phone to find out the time? But think about it, you put your phone down, you can't remember where..and you wish there was a damn clock somewhere in the house. Well now's the time hang a few wall clocks. They can be things of beauty. And you need never be late again. Oh and lots of them are made from recyclable/sustainable materials - wood, metal, cork - as well as ceramic.

Makers to check out



George Jenson

The latest luxurious but sustainable interior design trends

If you're looking to update your home in 2024, take note of some inspiring luxury design trends you might want to incorporate into your scheme, choosing sustainable materials


Key ways to make your home look more modern

We trog along happily for years but then one day start looking with a critical eye at our homes. The carpet looks drab, the kitchen looks tired, that magnolia paint is scuffed and what a dull colour...Then we start to think about updating and modernising a bit and generally giving our homes a brand new look and feel.
