
no single use plastic water bottles were sold at the golf tournament

The Volvo China Open Golf Tournament in Shenzhen used refill water stations throughout the venue for players and visitors, saving some 40,000 plastic bottles from ending up in landfill or in the sea

ceramic striped baubles made in Cornwall

You've got the if you want to update the bauble collection you might like to know that British heritage pottery Cornishware has launched its first collection of ceramic mini baubles painted in its trademark stripes

cob houses date back thousands of years

Need a garden office or a place for your teenagers to hang out? Build your own using the ancient cob's apparently not that hard to do!

They have long been the interior designer's favourite indoor plant - no Kelly Hoppen interior is complete without an arrangement of orchids. And prices have come down considerably, so get autumn off to a bright, colourful and exotic start with some of these lovely long-lived (fingers crossed) houseplants

The Campaign for Wool urges us to celebrate and use wool

It's been a disconcertingly warm October so far, particularly in southern parts of the UK. That said October is Wool Month and the Campaign for Wool is urging us to embrace all things wool from rugs to jumpers to blankets. After all, it will get chillier ..even if our winters ain't what they used to be on the cold front

Leather's natural so it's good, right? Well, no, it's not that simple. Leather production remains a dirty business with many industry players still having a long way to go in terms of cleaning up their act. So is 'vegan leather' the answer? Well, no, that can be greenwashed hogwash too!

Carolyn Russ London artist

If you're in the capital this weekend, head to south east London for a feast of art

Planted at Stourhead in Wiltshire

For a dose of nature and design, head to Planted, which takes place at the magnificent Stourhead in Wiltshire

It's world bee day on 20 May 2023

...not to be confused with a yet-to-be-announced day to celebrate the bidet..World Bee Day serves as a reminder that bees are crucial to our food supply and need our love and protection
